Friday, 6 January 2012

Enterprise: Task 3

"Based on the principles that have been introduced so far in the Enterprise module and your findings in previous tasks, evaluate the most suitable marketing methodologies for your own practice and the most effective methods to reach your potential customers."

The people that I am trying to appeal to are those in the Music Industry.  It is full of young talent, competing to supply bands, gigs and venues with constant material that reflects upon the client's ethos in a visually representative way.

To get to these customers, it is vital that I advertise, promote and partake in personal selling & direct marketing.  Advertising my services through social media, by setting up an online blog and encouraging discussion from the public will generate interest in the Music Industry in particular.

I would have to get directly involved with the industry, through public relations.  Writing articles for up and coming bands, generating a general interest in the Music Industry will help establish myself as a specialist in this sector.  If clients see me as passionate as I am about music, they will be more likely to employ my services.

Through this, getting contacts within the Music Industry and attracting people that share the same interests, I can sell personal work of mine, whether that be t-shirt designs for example or wall posters.  Running side projects will keep the creativity flowing and promoting more interest in me as a designer.

Personal work can also be exhibited and up for sale by selling them at print fairs.  As long as it has a link to the music sector, then I will attract the right kind of people - even if it isn't potential clients I will still promote public interest which is always good.  This would strictly be side projects for personal promotion as a designer, and will help to spread my name around the Leeds Area.  This is an example of how I would directly market myself to the public and potential clients through direct interaction, rather than as an online presence.

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